lunes, mayo 05, 2008 10:45 PM

Wave 3 on 3 Summer Hockey Rules & Regulations 2008

  • All games will be Non-contact
  • Only registered players will be allowed to play – all registered players will be given a sticker that must appear on the back of their helmet. Any player on the ice without a sticker will not be able to play. 
  • All games will be running time and there will be 2 periods of 21 minutes each. Teams do not switch ends between periods.
  • Mite and Novice divisions will have a 90 second buzzer and will be 4 on 4 play. Atom to Peewee divisions will have a 60 second buzzer and will be 3 on 3 play. Bantam and Midget divisions will not use a buzzer system (change on the fly) and be 3 on 3 play. When the buzzer sounds the players must leave the puck and skate immediately towards the bench. Players on the bench may not go on the ice until 1 player has touched the bench at the gate he is going off. If a player goes on the ice ahead of  the first player touching the bench, a penalty will be called and penalty shot awarded. Referees have full discretion. In addition, if a player on the ice plays the puck after the buzzer sounds a penalty will be called.
  • A 3 goal-per-period rule is in effect. No player can score more than 3 goals per period. Timekeepers will track goal scorers at the time keeper box. If a player scores a 4th goal in a period a penalty will be called. If a team falls behind by 3 or more goals at any time during the game then the 3 goal per period rule is waived (until the the gap is again closed to less than 3 goals behind) for the rest of that game. The 3 goal rule is also waived if a player with 3 goals is awarded a penalty shot (waived for that penalty shot only).
  • Offsides will be in effect
  • Icings are not called and two line passes are not called
  • If the puck goes out of play the defending team will receive the puck nearest the point of exit and will be given 10 feet clearance by the offending team.
  • When play is stopped due to the goalie covering the puck or a goal is scored, a whistle will signal the attacking players to vacate the zone (blue line).  All players must clear the blue line before the first player can attack. If an attacking team player touches the puck intentionally before clearing the blue line a penalty will be called.
  • All CAHA rules will be in effect unless otherwise stated.
  • All players must wear CSA approved equipment and facial protection is mandatory.
  • Teams with less than 5 players. The main focus of our league is for fun and enjoyment. Should a team be short players during the regular season (less than 5 skaters) coaches are asked to assign players to the opposite team to ensure maximum ice for all players. The team that has less than 5 players and a goalie will default the game.
  • If a team has less than 6 skaters, on a line change, all 3 players on the ice must skate back to the bench on a buzzer before resuming play.  The one or two players that are staying on the ice cannot be the first one to touch the bench.  (In the case of 4 on 4, less than 8 skaters)
  • No more than 9 skaters and a goalie can be dressed for any given game, no exceptions.
 PENALTIES: ·         All minor penalties will result in a penalty shot.·         The player who is taking the penalty shot will stand at centre ice with the puck·         All other players from both teams will line up on the far blue line and will start in a standing position.·         Ref will blow the whistle to start the play·         Should the player miss the penalty shot play will continue·         Should the player score – same rules as a regular goal apply.


·         Any player receiving 3 minor penalties will be ejected from the game·         In the event of a major penalty, the player will be ejected from the game and the non-penalized team will be awarded 2 goals·         During the game, all referee decisions are final·         No time outs will be allowed during games GOALIES: 

·         In the event of an absent goalie, teams may play with a fourth skater (or 5th skater in 4 on 4).  This player may not exit their own zone (blue line) except to change or in the last shift of a game.  This player is not required to change on the buzzer and can change at any time.

·         Any penalty called against a team without a goalie will result in an automatic goal.

 ATTENDANCE: ·         Absent players – All players that have registered and paid will be given a sticker to be placed on the back of their helmet. If you do not have a sticker on your helmet you will not be able to play. ·         Coaches will be allowed to use replacement players from the same division and caliber or lower (this applies to goalies as well). Each team may also have a list of ‘pool players’. There is a one time, up front fee for this, payable to the league.·         Replacements may only be used in emergencies or potential emergencies to meet the minimum, not to fill the benches.  ·         Paying pool players can be called at any time to fill the bench as needed (max 9 skater rule still applies).

·          If a team needs permanent players then the league executive will review the situation and decide if a player can be added to that team. Any new player will have to register and pay registration fees on a pro-rata basis.

 TIMEKEEPERS: ·         The league will endeavor to provide a timekeeper for all games.  However, in the event that a timekeeper does not show up, it will be the responsibility of the home team to provide a timekeeper.  The home team will also be responsible for handing in the game sheet for this game to the league executive.